• Seafood Stuffed Potatoes

    A specialty item at a lot of neighborhood seafood joints here in Louisiana, the seafood stuffed potato alone will ensure that you will not be ordering dessert. A delicious treat, one as rich and heavy as it is yummy. I see a lot of seafood potatoes around that use crab. I like shrimp myself but if you want to add some crabmeat too, I'm sure it'll make it even more delicious.

  • Pork Cheesesteak

    Cheesesteaks are traditionally made with beef and provolone but I changed this one up because well, I didn't have beef or provolone. And to tell you the truth, I'm pretty lazy in the evenings. After I get home from a day at work and shower, the five minute drive to the store can seem like hiking the Appalachian Trail. So, I improvised. Some sautéed pork and peppers, a little cheddar sauce, a slice or two of smoked gouda, and we're in business.

  • Choriqueso Mac and Cheese

    Every once in a while, during a moment of rare clarity, I will think to myself “I like this and I like that. Why not combine them?” The answer will usually be because it’s extremely unhealthy (like this recipe) or extremely gross. (Considering this is a food blog and I don’t want you to lose your appetite, I won’t mention any examples but you know what I’m talking about). I’m all about moderation though. So long as you don’t overdo things and try to keep a good balance (I have to take an extra bike ride today after eating this Mac and Cheese, for example) you’ll be fine. Ingredients Instructions…