
  • Sweet Potato Beignets

    If you're sick of sweet potato casserole, sweet potato souffle, candied sweet potatoes, or whatever else during the holidays, these little guys can be the perfect change. The batter doesn't take too long to whip up and they don't take long to fry. I usually like to serve them with a Cane Syrup Gastrique and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. But, some jam/jelly or whipped cream would also work with yummy results.

  • Strawberry Cobbler

    The ultimate splurge course of any meal. Whether it’s at home or a restaurant, I usually always feel guilty afterwards. The beltline is already a little tight thanks to your appetizer and entree. The drowsy eyes are a not so subtle reminder that the food coma is not far around the corner. But in spite of all  that, you can’t help but indulge in the great diet destroyer…dessert. This particular recipe started off as an attempt (I use that word very loosely) to try and make a somewhat healthy dessert recipe. I abandoned that fairly quickly and this is what was left. Cobbler; be it strawberry, blueberry, or peach is…

  • Raspberry Espresso Cake

    Sometimes when you feel the sweet tooth calling it's not on a Saturday, or a holiday, or some random day off. And if you're anything like me, the last thing you feel like doing when you get home after a long day of work is breaking out all the baking stuff. So I cheat. I use a box cake mix and gussy it up a touch. I know all you expert bakers are yelling at my lack of dedication here. What can I say? I'm a lazy ass at heart.

  • King Cake

    Now forever linked with Mardi Gras (at least in the south), the King Cake's history goes back a good ways. The name derives from the visit of the Magi to the infant Christ which is celebrated on the Epiphany, January 6th. This marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas and begins what we celebrate now as the Mardi Gras season which extends to Fat Tuesday and of course the beginning of Lent.

  • Raspberry White Chocolate Truffles

    These Raspberry White Chocolate Truffles are a sweet, no-bake treat. I put sprinkles on top but you could do a chocolate drizzle instead or just keep them plain with no topping. You could also use different color sprinkles to match the holiday!

  • Vanilla Ice Cream Bread Pudding

    Bread seems to be one of those things I always have leftover. Whether it's homemade or store-bought, I just don't seem to be able to get through it all before it starts to lose some of its luster. And let's face it, life's too damn short to eat stale or staling bread. But, I HATE wasting food. So my day-old bread goes in the freezer for breadcrumbs, dressing, or bread pudding.

  • Chocolate Chip Cookies

    I've read that of all the five senses, smell is the one most tied to memory. It's hard to argue that when the smell of chocolate chip cookies comes wafting up out of the oven. The moment it hits me I'm instantly transported back to childhood. Where cookies, and potential acquisition of more cookies, were my primary interest. Even though my sweet tooth has faded over the years (I still love dessert, it's just not my primary culinary interest anymore) I still never can turn away from a good cookie... or cheesecake... or regular cake... ok, I'm getting distracted. The perfect cookies are really tough to get just right. To…