• Pulled Pork Biscuit

    For those who have read our blog and seen our Instagram before, you know our two main food focuses are southern food and BBQ. But, a third and often spoken focus of ours is utilizing leftovers. I abhor waste of any kind. Time, money, energy, and especially food are some things that should never be taken for granted and enjoyed to the fullest. There are so many people across the globe who haven't any or very little of things. I try to never let a day pass without expressing some measure of gratitude.

  • Buttermilk Biscuits

    There are only a few things that can send even the most seasoned home cook into a wall punching temper tantrum. Number one on the list has to be biscuits. You can do everything right. Preheat oven, measure ingredients, and still, the friggin things won’t rise. It’s one of the great mysteries of the universe. One that will most likely never be explained. It probably has something to do with interplanetary alignment. Two things are gonna happen next time all the little rocks in our solar system line up. The Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey is going to appear and my damn biscuits will rise.