• Strawberry Cobbler

    The ultimate splurge course of any meal. Whether it’s at home or a restaurant, I usually always feel guilty afterwards. The beltline is already a little tight thanks to your appetizer and entree. The drowsy eyes are a not so subtle reminder that the food coma is not far around the corner. But in spite of all  that, you can’t help but indulge in the great diet destroyer…dessert. This particular recipe started off as an attempt (I use that word very loosely) to try and make a somewhat healthy dessert recipe. I abandoned that fairly quickly and this is what was left. Cobbler; be it strawberry, blueberry, or peach is…

  • Raspberry White Chocolate Truffles

    These Raspberry White Chocolate Truffles are a sweet, no-bake treat. I put sprinkles on top but you could do a chocolate drizzle instead or just keep them plain with no topping. You could also use different color sprinkles to match the holiday!