• Garlic Ginger Wings

    To brine or not to brine? To marinate or not to marinate? These are only two of the many questions folks who enjoy cooking have to ask on a regular basis. My answer: sometimes yes to one, sometimes yes to both, sometimes no to both…you get where this is going. Each method has a different benefit or even a downfall. For example, brining or marinating large cuts of beef such as a chuck roast or brisket I find has little effect simply because the fibers are so dense and tough. I find poultry on the other hand, being a much lighter protein, takes well to both brining and marinating. Which…

  • Pulled Pork Biscuit

    For those who have read our blog and seen our Instagram before, you know our two main food focuses are southern food and BBQ. But, a third and often spoken focus of ours is utilizing leftovers. I abhor waste of any kind. Time, money, energy, and especially food are some things that should never be taken for granted and enjoyed to the fullest. There are so many people across the globe who haven't any or very little of things. I try to never let a day pass without expressing some measure of gratitude.