• Fried Pork Belly

    Of the many delicious cuts from our good friend, the pig, perhaps none are as famous as bacon. The belly of the pig is cured, smoked, then usually served alongside some eggs or in between two pieces of bread with lettuce and tomato. As yummy as bacon is, when you skip the steps of curing and smoking you're left with a different treat all its own.

  • Fried Chicken Sandwich

    During last year's fried chicken wars on social media, I remember thinking “I am so sick of this nonsense. I can't wait for this to be over.” Now, a mere year later, I would give my left arm if all we had to worry about was some stupid fast food marketing ploy. Amazing how much can change in a year. Anyways, fried chicken sandwiches are a secret obsession of mine. While I fully admit that there are better sandwiches out there, there is just something so delicious and simple about these things. The beautiful part is, they are really hard to mess up. If you've got even just a little…