French Onion Soup Poboy
Is there any more perfect food experience than a hot bowl of French Onion Soup on a chilly night in a cozy bistro setting? That's not a rhetorical question. If you can think of one better, I seriously want to know. I was enjoying that very experience with some friends when I had this sandwich idea.
Pizza Dough
Whenever you have a spur of the moment get together and don't have time to cook anything, what is the one thing you can buy that everyone will like? Pizza. Have you ever actually met anyone that doesn't like pizza? Sure, some people don't like anchovies or olives. Some people just want plain cheese. But, by and large, you are going to please the majority of people with a pizza.
Shrimp Poboy
One of the reasons the Shrimp Poboy has garnered such a devoted following is its versatility and accessibility. Whether enjoyed at a casual eatery, food truck, or homemade in your kitchen; this sandwich captures the essence of comfort food with its hearty filling and satisfying crunch.
Red Beans and Rice
If Sunday is fun day, then Monday is most definitely not fun day. It means going back to work, going back to school, and having to do all those chores that were neglected in the way of brunch and bottomless mimosas. That's why historically, folks in the south loved cooking red beans on Mondays. You could throw everything in the pot and let it simmer the day away while you got caught up on the ever expanding chore list. Or conversely, thanks to modern technology, let them go in the slow cooker all day (which is what I like doing anyway).
French Onion Soup
When the weather turns cold here in Southeast Louisiana (and by cold I mean anything below ninety degrees and one hundred percent humidity) most folks' thoughts go immediately to gumbo. I'm certainly not saying that mine don't. It is called gumbo weather for a reason. But sometimes on a cold and rainy night, you need the comfort of French Onion soup. Warm, oniony, and cheesy (not sure if oniony is a word but I don't care). Everything in the bowl just screams "stick to your ribs".
Grilled Alligator with Crab Boil Gnocchi
People joke that there is nothing southerners won’t eat, provided of course it doesn’t eat us first. A pretty spot-on example of this is alligator. Even though alligator attacks are rare (I’m fairly certain there has never been a fatal alligator attack in Louisiana) it is still one of the more dangerous critters we can consume. Check out this Grilled Alligator with Crab Boil Gnocchi recipe.
Roast Beef Poboy
Some things scream Southern cuisine without even trying. Gumbo, jambalaya, and poboys all let you know which region you're driving through if your GPS is broken and your sense of direction sucks. The Roast Beef Poboy is at the top of that list. The Roast Beef Poboy also has the distinction of being the first actual poboy. The two main versions of the Roast Beef Poboy you'll see around both contain a dark, beefy gravy. The difference lies in the meat. Some places serve the poboy with sliced, deli-style roast beef. While this version is still delicious, in my opinion, it takes a backseat to the number one way to…
Homemade Pasta
This is a basic pasta dough recipe. I cut the pasta dough into lasagna noodles but this dough works for any type of pasta.
Crawfish Bacon Cheesecake
Sometimes you come across food that folks will refer to as "stick to your ribs". This is one of those recipes that will stick to your ribs, your arms, and your legs. Seriously, do not plan on eating anything else the rest of the day if you make this recipe. I've always been a fan of the idea of taking a dish that is usually thought of as sweet and making it savory. This is a prime example of that.
Tomato and Basil Farro Risotto
For the longest time, risotto to me fell into the once in a while, fancy kind of dish. Over the years, it has slid more into the stick to your ribs, served on a cold evening, comfort food category. And I don't know if I've ever encountered a more perfect recipe to fit that criteria than this one from Tuttorosso: Tomato and Basil Farro Risotto.